Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oldtime Santa by Gary Trotter

14x16in oil on canvas

Monday, September 19, 2011

Young Girl by Libby Welch (in progress?)

18x14" oil on canvas

Hill Farm by Libby Welch

18x14" oil on canvas

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Watercolour-1 by Margaret Rowlett

8x10" watercolour

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Irises & Geraniums by Les Aldridge

16x12" oil on canvas board
Ed doesn't like to see good stuff put onto inferior supports (like canvas board) and he's right but sometimes you use what's available (and maybe regret it later).

African Girl by Rose Vear

18x12" acrylic on canvas

Scooby by Cathy Dellinger (in progress)

14x18" oil on canvas

Still Life by Rose Vear

12x16" acrylic on canvas